United Methodist Men Image

United Methodist Men

Mission Statement: 
United Methodist Men shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek His will.

United Methodist Women Image

United Methodist Women

The purpose of the United Methodist Women (UMW) is to be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative supportive fellowship, and
to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. 

Social Justice

To share good works with the community through God’s word and use gifts that God has given to share in Church and the Community.
-Community Fellowship Dinner - 3rd Thursday of the month at 6pm
-Meals of Hope - 4th Monday at Holy Ghost Catholic Church at 5pm
-Food Pantry - 3rd Saturday at Holy Ghost Catholic Church at 8am
-Essential needs Pantry - open to all 

W.O.W. - Warriors of Wisdom

A Glorious Celebration of Faith and Fun
for Men and Women and over the age of 50

1 Timothy 5:17: Let the Elders who perform the duties of their office well be considered doubly worthy of honor
and of adequate financial support, especially those who labor faithfully in preaching and teaching.

The mission and goals are to enable Seniors to share their good works with the community through God’s word and use
the gifts that God has given them to share with others in the church and community.

Activities include: Crafts, Movies, Games and Much, Much More

This is a great opportunity for ALL Seniors to fellowship together. We look forward to seeing you here in the Shiloh CUMC Fellowship Hall. Tell a friend!!


Youth Ministry

Train Up A Child...  (Proverbs 22:6)
"Our Children are the living messages we send to a future we will never see!"  The Honorable Elijah Cummings
The goal is to empower and equip young people for the real world; enabling them to reach their full potential as successful, well-adjusted individuals.  We can do this by using basic biblical principles. We will nurture their young, impressionable minds in a positive way.  We will also make this a fun filled environment while doing so.